

Professor Paul Clemen of Bonn University to Serve in Annual Exchange.

Professor Paul Clemen, Ph.D., of Bonn University, has been appointed in accordance with the standing agreement between the University and the Cultusministerium of the German Government, as representative of Germany at the University for the next college year, to succeed Professor Eugen Kuehnemann of Bonn, in the third year of the international exchange. The subjects of his courses will be announced later.

Professor Clemen was born in 1866 at Sommerfeld, near Leipzig. He attended the Fuerstenschule in Grimma, and later studied at the Universities of Leipzig, Bonn and Strassburg. In 1893 he was made Provincial Conservator of the Rhine Province, and in 1898 became Professor Extraordinarius of the History of Art at Bonn. He was called to the Art Academy at Dusseldorf as Professor of the History of Art and of Literature in 1899, but in 1902 was recalled to Bonn.

Professor Clemen has also pursued extensive studies in Italy, Greece and Asia Minor. From 1901 to 1904 he accompanied the Crown Prince and the Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia on their "studienreise" in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, and Egypt.

He has written the following important books: "Kunstdenkmaler der Rheinprovinz," "Die Denkmalpflege in der Rheinprovinz," "Die Denkmalpflege in Frankreich," "Die kunsthistorische Ausstellung zu Dusseldorf," "Die Romanische Wandmalereien der Rheinlande."
