
Error in Yale Game Seats

Tickets for the Yale game in rows BB and CC, sections 19 and 20, have been placed on sale by mistake. As the rows BB and CC do not exist, all persons holding these tickets may have them exchanged at the Athletic Office.

Third Sale of Yale Game Tickets.

There will be a sale of tickets today at Leavitt & Peirce's to members of the University for the baseball game with Yale. Other sales for members of the University will be announced later.

A sale for Harvard graduates will be held in Boston next Friday and next Tuesday from 12 to 2 o'clock at the former quarters of the Beacon Trust Company, Court and Washington streets. Applications for seats from graduates living at a distance from Cambridge will be received by mail up to 6 P. M. today.

The price of seats is $1.50 each. Season tickets do not admit to the game nor give any priveleges in purchasing seats.
