An excellent opportunity for students desiring to pursue archaeological research in America is offered by the American Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America for the coming summer. An expedition under the personal direction of Mr. E. L. Hewett will leave Bluff, Utah, on July 1 for an exploring trip through the region of the ancient pueblos and cliff houses. Another expedition will start from Santa Fe, New Mexico, on August 15 to explore certain ruins in New Mexico. Students desiring to join one or both of these expeditions will be accepted as volunteer assistants and will be expected to provide their equipment and to pay their proportionate share in the camp expenses. Further information may be obtained at the Peabody Museum.
Peabody Museum Excursion.
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology is making arrangements to send a party this summer to study the Nez Perces Indians in Idaho. An effort will be made to learn something of the language and customs of this tribe, about which very little is now known. H. J. Spinden, instructor in the department of Anthropology, will be in charge of the work, and will have as his assistant R. R. Hellman 1M. They will leave immediately after the close of the college year and will spend about six weeks in the work, after which Mr. Spinden will go on to Washington.
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