
Tickets for Benefit Entertainment

Tickets for the benefit entertainment to be given in Brattle Hall next Monday evening under the auspices of the Harvard Mission will be put on sale today at Herrick's, Leavitt & Peirce's, Amee's, and the Co-operative Society, or may be ordered by mail from E.G. Stillman, Beck 21. Reserved seats will be $1.50 and $1.

The performance will include "The Goirl of the Golden Pest" from the Hasty Pudding Club play, "The Lotos-Eaters;" the Pony Ballet and songs from the Pi Eta play "The Financier;" and the Giant and Forest scenes from the Delta Upsilon play, "The Knight of the Burning Pestle." Music will be furnished by the Glee Club Quartet, and I.S. Broun '08 will give several monologues. The entertainment will be followed by dancing until 1 o'clock.

The performance has been arranged for by a committee made up of J.M. Groves '05, R.B. Gregg '07, and E.T. Wentworth '09, and will be in charge of E.G. Stillman '08, as business manager, and S. Ervin '08, as stage manager. The proceeds will go towards the salary of E.G. Carter '00, the Harvard representative in India.
