The one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Louis Agassiz h.'48, will be celebrated in Cambridge during the latter part of May under the auspices of the Cambridge Historical Society. The principal feature of the celebration will be a public reunion of the surviving pupils of Professor Agassiz in Sanders Theatre on Monday evening, May 27, at 7.45 o'clock. At this meeting, Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson '41, the first vice-president of the society, will preside; and brief addresses will be made by President Eliot, Professor A. L. Lowell '77, of the Department of Government, and Professor W. H. Niles of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Letters will be read from those pupils of Professor Agassiz who may not be able to attend. Music will be furnished by the orchestra of the Cambridge Latin School. With the exception of a limited number of seats which will be reserved until 7.35 o'clock for invited guests and for members of the Cambridge Historical Society, no tickets will be issued, and the greater part of the theatre will be open to the public at 7.15 o'clock. There will be music by the orchestra at 7.20, and the addresses will begin at 7.45 o'clock.
Another interesting feature of the celebration will be the "School Week," beginning Monday, May 20, on each day of which between 3.30 and 5 o'clock, squads or groups of pupils of 12 years of age and upwards from the public, parochial, and private schools of Cambridge will be received at the Agassiz Museum with their teachers and conducted through it by guides.
The Cambridge Public Library will send to all the teachers in Cambridge, and to others on application, copies of the selected list of books and periodical literature relating to Professor Agassiz which has been especially prepared for the celebration.
Celebration at Cornell.
The anniversary will be celebrated at Cornell University, at Ithaca, New York, where Professor Agassiz delivered a course of lectures in 1868, on May 28. Professor B. G. Wilder '62, of Cornell, a former pupil of Professor Agassiz, will deliver an address.
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