
Golf Team Defeated, 7 1-2 to 11

The University golf team was defeated by the Boston Interscholastic team at Auburndale yesterday afternoon by the score of 11 to 7 1-2. H. H. Wilder '09 played the best game for Harvard, making 18 holes in 76 strokes.

The results of the individual matches were as follows: HARVARD.    INTERSCHOLASTIC. Wilder  4 1-2  Evans  0 Clark  0  O'Donnell  2 1-2 Hickox  0  Smith  2 1-2 McNeil  0  Mosser  4 1-2 Minot  0  Estabrook  1 1-2 Ingalls  3  Waite  0   7 1-2    11
