

Defeated University Team, 3 to 2.--Team Plays Hobart at Geneva Today.

ITHACA, N. Y., May 6.--The University lacrosse team was defeated by Cornell at Ithaca this afternoon by the score of 3 to 2. The game was played in a drizzling rain which made fast playing impossible. Wendell scored first for Harvard after about five minutes of play. Cornell tallied three times just before the end of the half on two shots by Captain Ricketson and one by Darling. Porter was forced to retire at the end of the half on account of injuries, and was replaced by Currie. The play was very fast and rough in the second half, but only one goal was scored, by Captain Wendell early in the period. Ricketson and Lucker played well for Cornell, while Wendell and Thomas excelled for Harvard.

The summary: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Thomas, g.  g., Britton Jenkins, p.  i.h., Oden'hal Arnold, c.p.  o.h., Schultheis Cobb, 1d.  1a., Darling Cochrane, 2d.  2a., Ricketson Comey, 3d.  3a., Lucker Wendell, c.  c., Main Barber, 3a.  3d., Boardman Vance, 2a.  2d., Gildner Francis, 1a.  1d., La Breque Porter, Currie, o.h.  c.p., Macdonald Furber, i.h.  p., Wigley

Score--Cornell, 3; Harvard, 2. Goals--Wendell 2, Ricketson 2, Darling 1. Referee--Dr. A. L. Covert, Cornell. Goal umpires--L. D. Cox '08, F. Beard, Cornell. Time-keepers--A. H. Elder '07, L. S. Conger, Cornell. Time--25-minute periods.

Final League Game With Hobart Today.

The team will play Hobart at Geneva, New York, today at 3.30 o'clock in its final league game. The game will probably be close, since Cornell recently defeated Hobart by the same score with which she defeated the University team.


The line-up: HARVARD.  HOBART. Thomas, g.  g., Spoor Jenkins, p.  i.h., Drummond Arnold, c.p.  o.h., McCray Cobb, 1d.  1a., Riegel Cochrane, 2d.  2a., Partridge Comey, 3d.  3a., Sabine Wendell, c.  c., Prophet Barber, 3a.  3d., Bennett Vance, 2a.  2d., Petrie Francis, 1a.  1d., Patch Currie, o.h.  c.p., McFarland Furber, i.h.  p., Dwinelle
