

In Dining Room of Union.--Adoption of Class Constitution to be Considered.

There will be a smoker of the Freshman class in the Dining Room of the Union this evening at 9 o'clock, at which the adoption of a class constitution will be considered.

The committee, recently appointed to draw up a constitution, consisting of R. C. Brown, chairman, E. C. Bacon, G. P. Gardner, Jr., S. M. Lowrey, and H. Watson, will present the following constitution, which is identical to that adopted by the Sophomores in March, for the approval of the class.

The Proposed Constitution.

"(1) There shall be three officers during Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years, namely--president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer; but during the Senior year the secretary and treasurer shall be separate officers. In Sophomore and Junior years, new officers shall be elected as explained below.

"(2) In Sophomore and Juniors years, the president then in office shall call a meeting during the first week in November for the purpose of electing a nominating committee of ten. At this meeting nominations for the committee may be made to the number of 20, and a ballot then being cast, each man voting for 10 of the 20 nominees, the ten men receiving the highest number of votes shall constitute the committee. In addition to the 10 elected members the class officers shall be members ex-officiis.


"(3) The committee so selected shall nominate within one week at least two candidates for each office.

"(4) There shall be no restrictions on the nominating committee, except that it may not nominate officers of the preceding years.

"(5) Additional nominations may be made by petition of 50 members of the class. There are no restrictions whatsoever on such nominations.

"(6) The election shall be by Australian ballot from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.

"(7) An announcement of any meeting, stating its purposes, must be published in the CRIMSON the morning of the day set for the meeting, and also before if possible.

"(8) On petition of 50 men, or at the discretion of the class officers, any motion passed at a meeting of less than half the class shall be submitted to canvass."
