

In the Stadium at 2.45.--University Team Should Win by a Good Margin.

This afternoon the second dual track meet between Harvard and Dartmouth will be held in the Stadium at 2.45 o'clock. Points for first, second, and third places, will be counted five, three and one, respectively. Silver and bronze medals will be awarded for first and second places.

Last year Harvard beat Dartmouth 101 points to 16, Dartmouth winning one first, three second, and two third places. Although there is little ground for comparison of the two teams at present, every indication points to a victory for the University team by a large martin. In the Pennsylvania relay carnival last. Saturday A. H. Shaw of Dartmouth won the 120 yard hurdles in 15 2-5 seconds, thus equalling the world's record for this event made by A. C. Kraenzlein of Pennsylvania in 1899. No other Dartmouth men won places in the special events. In the two-mile relay race between Yale, Dartmouth, and Columbia, Dartmouth secured second place with Columbia first. The Dartmouth team was made up of R. P. Prichard '07, W. b. Evans '08, G. E. Shipley '08, and Captain W. Jennings '08, who are all fast runners. Of these Captain Jennings made the best time, doing his half-mile in about 2 minutes, 1 second. Shipley also made good time. The University team has not yet had the advantage of outside competition, but has developed consistently under Coaches Lathrop and Quinn. Some very creditable exhibitions were made in the handicap and class games.

Of the track events Harvard should be especially strong in the dashes with L. P. Dodge '08 and P. C. Lockwood '07. Shaw of Dartmouth should win first place in the high hurdles, with W. M. Rand '09 a close second. In the low hurdles O. F. Rogers Jr., '08, W. M. Rand '09, and Shaw of Dartmouth should all win places. B.L. Young, Jr., '07 should take first places in the 440-yard run, and Evans and Prichard of Dartmouth should also secure points. The half-mile will be a close race between M. B. Van Brunt '08 and Captain Jennings of Dartmouth. With W. Minot '07 and H. F. Hadden, Jr., '09 in the mile, and M. S. Crosby '08 and H. F. Miller, Jr., '08 in the two-mile, there is little doubt that the University will win these events.

Most of the places in the field events should go to Harvard, but Bredemus and Pevear of Dartmouth should also win points. B. t. Stephenson, Jr., '08 should easily win the shot-put as well as points in the other field events, and H. E. Kersburg '07 should secure first place in the hammer-throw. First place in the polevault should go to A. G. Grant '07 if he shows his last year's form. The results of the broad jump are rather doubtful, but the chances favor Harvard.

Reserved seat tickets at $1 each are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Boston Athletic Association, and Wright & Ditson's, Boston. Admission will be 50 cents. Students' H. A. A. tickets will admit; but they will not entitle the holders to reserved seats.


Complete List of Entries.

The list of entries is as follows:


120-yard hurdles--Harvard: M. B. Giddings '08, A. B. Mason '08, W. M. Rand '08, G. W. Waller '07. Dartmouth: A. Brown '07, J. H. Gray '08, A. B. Shaw '08, M. C. Taylor '10.

100-yard dash--Harvard: A. H. Bowser '07, L. P. Dodge '08, L. J. Freedman '07, P. C. Lockwood '07, J. V. Quinlan '07. Dartmouth F. E. Foster '07, J. B. Jordan '07, J. W. Richmond '10, N. A. Sherman '10, V. E. West '09.

Mile run Harvard: J. R. P. Boyer '08, H. F. Hadden, Jr., '09, W. Minat '07, M. H. Whitney '09, P. Woodman '08. Dartmouth F. G. Blake '09, H. E. Meleney '08, D. E. Palmer '10, M. Readey '10, G. S. Spokesfield '10, L. D. Stone '10, H. L. Wellser '09.

440-yard run--Harvard: E. V. B. Parke '08, W. D. Thompson '07, B. L. Young, Jr., '08. Dartmouth: R. L. Carns '08, P. H. Chase '07, W. B. Evans '08, W. Jennings '07, R. P. Prichard '07, J. W. Richmond '10, G. E. Shipley '08.

880-yard run--Harvard: E. Becker '08, A. A. Dole '07, M. B. Van Brunt '08, W. E. Whitcher '09. Dartmouth: R. L. Carns '08, W. B. Evans '08, W. Jennings '07, R. P. Richard '07, G. E. Shipley '08.

Two mile run--Harvard: M. S. Croshy '08, J. M. Groves sC., W. G. Howard '07, H. W. King '08, H. f. Miller, Jr., '08. Dartmouth: F. G. Blake '09, H. E. Meleney '08, D. E. Palmer '10, M. Readey '10, G. S. Spokesfield '10, L. D. Stone '10, H. L. Wellser '09.

220-yard dash--Harvard: J. H. Broderlck '08, L. P. Dodge '08, P. C. Haskell '08, P. C. Lockwood '07. Dartmouth: F. E. Foster '07, J. H. Jordan '07, J. W. Richmond '10, N. A. Sherman '10, V. F. West '09.
