

The intercollegiate track meet which begins today in the Stadium promises to be of unusual interest and deserves a large attendance. Not only is it the most important American amateur track event of the year, but the number of brilliant individual performers is far above the average. Michigan, one of the strongest western colleges, will be represented for the first time, and an opportunity will thus be afforded for comparing the East and West in this branch of athletics. Although Michigan has been entered in recent Pennsylvania carnivals, these came too early in the season to afford a fair comparison. Another factor which renders this meet of more than ordinary interest is the uncertainty of the outcome. There are several claimants for first place, but it is certain that the victory will not be an easy one. While Harvard is not generally considered to be in the first rank, it may well be that the team has latent possibilities, and we confidently expect that Mr. Lathrop's untiring efforts will produce creditable results this afternoon.
