
Judge Gaynor Speaks Here Tonight

Judge William J. Gaynor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will speak on "The Practice of Law" under the auspices of the Law School Practice Association in the North Room of Austin Hall this evening at 8 o'clock.

Judge Gaynor is a member of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York. Since his admittance to the bar in 1875, he has conducted many important cases, and has often written on legal subjects. In 1890 he was appointed judge-advocate of the second brigade of the New York State National Guard, with the rank of major. Judge Gaynor has taken an active part in New York politics, and has achieved a national reputation for his work in breaking up rings within the Democratic party in that state. Since his election to the bench of the New York Supreme Court in 1895 by both the Republicans and the Independent Democrats, he has refused the Democratic nominations for mayor of Brooklyn and for governor of New York State.

The lecture will be open to all members of the University.
