
The Intercollegiate Track Meet

The thirty-second annual intercollegiate meet will be held in the Stadium on Friday and Saturday afternoons, May 31 and June 1, at 3 o'clock. As the Cornell baseball game also comes on June 1 it will be played at 1.30 o'clock to avoid conflict with the track games. The preliminary trials for all races except the mile and two-mile runs will be held Friday afternoon to reduce the number of competitors for the semi-finals and finals on Saturday. Trials in the half-mile will be held at the discretion of the referee.

Seven hundred and thirteen entries have been made from 18 different colleges, Cornell having the largest and Yale the second largest number. The entries from the various colleges are as follows: Cornell, 83; Yale, 73; Pennsylvania, 62; Princeton, 62; Columbia, 56; Harvard, 52; Dartmouth, 51; Michigan, 48; Amherst, 37; Swarthmore, 32; Haverford, 28; Williams, 26; Bucknell, 21; Fordham, 21; Stevens, 18; Syracuse, 17; Brown, 16; and Johns Hopkins, 10.

Michigan University, which enters the meet for the first time this year, should prove a prominent factor in the outcome, as a large number of men of excellent ability will compete. It is expected that the advent of Michigan will materially weaken Cornell's chances for first place, for many of Michigan's best men are entered in the distance runs, where Cornell places her main reliance. At present the chances of victory seem to lie with the University of Pennsylvania, which has entered a large number of very exceptional men who are conceded first places in many of the events. Michigan or Yale will probably win second place, the latter relying especially on the field events for the majority of her points. The condition of the University team should be much improved by the end of next week and the men should be able to make a better showing than was made in the dual meet with Yale last Saturday. The team should win fourth place at any rate and will probably press Michigan and Yale closely. The large number of men who have entered from the smaller colleges will win several points, which should materially affect the results, and for that reason it is difficult to make an accurate prediction
