
Award of the Bowdoin Prizes

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has made the following awards of the Bowdoin Prizes for 1906-07:

Graduate Prizes of $200 each--one to H. N. Davis '03 for an essay on "The Motion of a Violin String" and one to D. P. Lockwood '03 for an essay on "The Spread of Greek Influence through Translations in the Fifteenth Century." First Undergraduate Prize of $250 to A. L. Locke '09 for an essay on "Tennyson and His Literary Heritage." Second Undergraduate Prizes of $100 each--one to H. Askowith '07 for an essay on "Lessing and Johnson in Relation to their Critical Heritage: A Comparative Study," and one divided between A. E. Pinanski '09 for an essay on "The Metropolitan Water System of Boston" and R. N. Thompson '07 for an essay on "The Stone Insurrection: A Study in Southern Slavery."
