

During the past two or three weeks there has been much general singing in the Yard dormitories, and this tendency found its best expression on one evening this week, when the Seniors living in Holworthy came together on the steps of the building and sang during the hour immediately after dinner. The singing was entirely spontaneous and had the enthusiasm that comes with spontaneity; and it was doubtless thoroughly enjoyed by the men who took part. It seems to us that no better way could be found to spend the hour after dinner, during pleasant spring evenings, than by some such informal gathering of men in the same class or building, and that no better place could be found for such gatherings than in the Yard.

The hour immediately after dinner is one which we all spend more or less leisurely in our rooms, and it would probably be more enjoyable when spent with classmates informally. Of the many ways that have been suggested for making the Senior dormitories more popular and for bringing the men living in those dormitories more closely together, none, it seems to us, would be as natural or as effective as the gradual establishment of the custom of informal singing by the Seniors on the steps of these buildings during the early evening hours in spring.
