

Amberg Replaces Severance at 7.--Captain Bacon and Glass Change Places.

Another change was made in the order of the University crew yesterday, when Severance, who has been rowing at 7 during the whole season, was displaced by Amberg. Amberg rowed at 5 for some time, while Richardson was out of the boat on account of troub'e with his knee, and at that time showed up so well that Coach Wray decided to retain him for the University crew. Severance was moved to number 3 and Lunt and Faulkner, who have both been tried at that position during the week, were moved to the second crew. Another important change occurred after the crews had returned to the boathouse when the University crew took a short stretch upstream with Captain Bacon at 4, in place of Glass, who was moved down to number 6, the position occupied by Captain Bacon up to this time. The shell went along more smoothly than it has for several days and showed distinctly that the changes are the ones which have been needed.

The new shell, built by W. H. Davy, of Cambridge, was tried out and appeared most satisfactory. The boat is somewhat broader and more shallow than last year's shell and rests closer to the water.

The orders:

University crew--Stroke, Tappan; 7, Amberg; 6, Glass; 5, Richardson; 4, Bacon; 3, Severance; 2, Fish; bow, Burchard; cox., Blagden.

Second crew--Stroke, Farley; 7, Swaim; 6, Lovering; 5, Morgan; 4, Lunt; 3, Faulkner; 2, Fashnestock; bow, Wiggins; cox., Arnold.
