

With Score of 49 2-3.-Volkmann Was Second With 21 1-3.

The twenty-second annual track meet of the New England Interscholastic Amateur Athletic Association, held in the Stadium Saturday afternoon, was won by Andover with a total of 49 2-3 points. Volkmann School was second with 21 1-3 points, and Exeter and Worcester Academy were third and fourth with 16 1-3 and 15 1-6 points, respectively. The other schools scored as follows: Boston Latin, 6; Newton High, 6; Stone's, 5; Brookline High, 2 1-2; Noble's 2 1-2; Powder Point School, 2 1-2; Providence Technical High, 2; Quincy High, 2; Durfee High, 1.

The performances in both track and field events were of a fairly high order and many of the contests were close. The track was very heavy as a result of the rain Saturday morning, and the takeoffs for the field events were so soft that two new ones had to be improvised for the occasion. The weather was much to cold for remarkable performances in most of the events.

Hart of Exeter after winning the shot-put with 42 feet 11 1-4 inches made an exhibition put of 43 feet 3 1-2 inches, thus beating the former interscholastic record. J. R. Kilpatrick of Andover made a splendid showing by taking four first places and one fourth almost half the points won by his school. He got first place in both hurdle events, in the broad jump, and in the hammer throw, and fourth place in the shot-put. E. E. Nelson of Volkmann's won both dashes in very fast time, the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds flat and the 220 in 22 1-5 seconds. H. Jaques, Jr., of Volkmann's secured first place in the half-mile in 2 minutes, 5 3-5 seconds which was fair under the existing conditions.

The Summary:

Track Events.


120-yard hurdles-Won by Kilpatrick, Andover; second, Young, Worcester Academy; third, Chadwick, Exeter; fourth, Kelley, Worcester Academy. Time, 16 4-5s.

100-yard dash Won by E. E. Nelson, Volkmann's; second, Burns, Boston Latin; third, Boyd, Brookline High; fourth, Tower, Exeter. Time, 10s.

Mile run-Won by Lee, Stone's; second, Dowling, Andover; third, Gourlie, Quincy High; fourth, McCreadle, Andover. Time, 4m., 51 3-5s.

880-yard run-Won by Jaques, Volkmann's; second, Rodgers, Exeter; third, MacKay, Providence Technical High; fourth, Jones, Worcester Academy. Time, 2m., 5 3-5s.

440-yard run-Won by Knox, Andover; second, Foster, Volkmann's; third, Sprague, Exeter; fourth Winslow, Durfee High. Time, 52 3-5s.

220-yard hurdles-Won by Kilpatrick, Andover; second, Kelley, Worcester Academy; third, Young, Worcester Academy; fourth, Chadwick, Exeter. Time 26 2-5s.

220-yard dash-Won by Nelson, Volkmann's; second, Burns, Boston Latin; third, Cooke, Andover; fourth, Hopkins, Andover. Time, 22 1-5s.

Field Events.

Putting 16-pound shot-Won by Hart, Exeter; second, Bartlett, Worcester Academy; third, Clough, Andover; fourth, Kilpatrick, Andover. Distance, 42 ft., 11 1-4 in.

Pole vault-Tie for first place between Follett, Volkmann's, Lewis, Andover, and Gardner, Andover; fourth, tie between Greenwood, Worcester Academy, Leonard, Worcester Academy, and Randolph, Exeter. Height, 10 ft.

Running broad jump-Won by Kilpatrick, Andover; second, Rosendale, Andover; third, Long, Exeter; fourth, Chandler, Newton High. Distance, 21 ft., 3 1-4 in.

Running high jump-Won by Porter, Newton High; second, tie between McDonald, Noble's, and Wheeler, Powder point School; fourth, tie between Bartlett, Worcester Academy, and Chandler, Brookline High. Height, 5 ft., 6 1-2 in.

Throwing 12-pound hammer-Won by Kilpatrick, Andover; second, Greenough, Andover; third, Clough, Andover; fourth, Bartlett, Worcester Academy. Distance, 133 ft., 4 in.
