
Tennis Team Meets Princeton Today

The University tennis team will play its first dual match with Princeton at Princeton today. Single matches for the best two out of three sets will be played in the morning; and doubles for the best three out of five sets will be played in the afternoon. In the scoring each match won will count one point.

The University team, composed of J. M. Morse '07, captain, A. M. Harlow '07, A. N. Reggio '07, C. C. Pell '08, A. S. Dabney, Jr., '09, and E. P. Pearson '09, was definitely chosen Thursday as a result of the series of trial matches held during the week. Since today's match will be the first of the season for both teams, and since none of the members of the University team, with the exception of J. M. Morse '07, played in the dual match with Yale last spring, the qualities of the teams are unknown, and the outcome is uncertain. The Princeton, team is composed of the following; L. K. Richardson '07, captain, A. D. Bears; '07, P. Norton '07, M. T. Pyne '08, E. V. Dixon '09, S. Gordon '09.
