

It has been suggested to the CRIMSON that a furniture collection at the end of each college year for the benefit of the needy members of the incoming Freshman Class would do a real service. We believe there are plenty of men leaving College each year who either live so far from Cambridge that it is unprofitable to take their college furniture with them, or for other reasons find it easier to dispose of most of their room fittings after graduation. It is true that Seniors frequently find an opportunity to sell their furniture to friends in the incoming class, but perhaps more often they must depend upon professional dealers to whom they sell for a half or a quarter of the real value.

If the Social Service Committee, or perhaps some other Phillips Brooks House organization, would take it upon themselves to make a furniture collection the last of June and either manage its distribution in the fall or turn it over to the University loan collection, we feel sure that many men would prefer to give their furniture to such a committee and forego the absurdly low prices which the professional dealers offer. Without attempting to work out the details of the plan, we do think that it is a practical suggestion, and one which if carried out would materially aid the poorer students in getting through the financial strain of freshman year.
