The following is a list of the summer courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for 1907, which may be counted for the degree of A.B. or S.B., according to the conditions in the Summer School pamphlet. No student may count a summer course towards his degree, if he counts and equivalent course taken during term-time. All these courses, with the exception of the Geology S3 course in field work, will count as half courses. The Summer School, will open July 2 and close August 9.
Anatomy S1.--Introductory course: lectures and laboratory. Dr. E. A. Darling.
Anthropology S1.--General course. Dr. A. M. Tozzer.
Architecture S1a.--History of European Architecture to about the year 1000 A.D. Professor H. L. Warren. This course cannot be counted towards the degree of S.B. in the Lawrence Scientific School.
Architecture S1b.--History of European Architecture from 1000 A.D. to the close of the Renaissance. Professor H. L. Warren. This course cannot be counted towards the degree of S.B. in the Lawrence Scientific School.
Astronomy S1.--Descriptive Astronomy, with laboratory work and observations. Professor Willson and Mr. Brenke.
Botany S1.--Introductory course: the Structure, Physiology, and Oecology of Flowering Plants. Laboratory work and lectures. Dr. R. G. Leavitt.
Botany S2.--Advanced course: Morphology and Oecology of Flowering Plants. Dr. M. A. Chrysler.
Chemistry S4.--Quantitative Analysis. Assistant Professor G. P. Baxter.
Chemistry S2.--Organic Chemistry. Assistant Professor H. A. Torrey.
Chemistry S20.--Course in Research laboratory work. Assistant Professors Baxter and Torrey.
Education S2.--General principles of Education. Professor H. H. Horne, of Dartmouth College.
Education S3.--Organization and Administration of Schools and School Systems. Superintendent Stratton D. Brooks, Boston.
Education S5.--Educational Psychology. Professor H. H. Horne, of Dartmouth College.
English S3a.--Anglo-Saxon. Dr. H. deW. Fuller.
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