

Annual Spring Tournament Begins at 2.--107 Entries.--Today's Drawings.

The annual spring interclass tennis tournament will begin at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Jarvis Field and will continue daily until finished. The number of entries this year is 107, which is 59 more than last year. The greatest gain is in the Freshman class, which has 50 participants against 17 by the Freshman class last year.

All undergraduates who entered have been divided into four divisions by classes. The men in each division will play for their class championship, and the four winners will enter the final series for the College championship. The winner and runner-up will each receive a cup.

In the preliminary rounds, the matches will be for the best two out of three sets; in the finals, for the best three out of five. Deuce and advantage sets are optional only in the semi-finals and finals. Matches must be played on the day scheduled, or defaulted. If a player is more than 30 minutes late, he will lose by default. All contestants in the tournament have first right to the use of courts.

Score cards have been placed on the north wall of the CRIMSON office, where the results of the matches must be posted, before 6 o'clock on the day of play, by the winner; otherwise, both contestants will be considered out of the tournament.

The drawings for the first round, which will be played today, have been made by lot and are as follows:


1907--At 3, H.M. Tillinghast vs. E.R. Brumley; C.G. Osborne vs. W.P. Blodget; P.F. Draper vs. F. Goodale; M. Griswold vs. J.M. Morse; E.H. Gruening vs. F.A. Jenks; C.O. Wellington vs. D.L. Pickman, Jr.; J. Reynolds, Jr., vs. S.P. Henshaw.

1908--At 3, H.P. Burt vs. C. Burton; H.S. Davis vs. E.B. Strassburger; G.S. Taylor vs. W.F. Kurtz; K.B. Hawkins vs. J.V. Greenebaum; F.T. Frelinghuysen vs. L.H. Cushman; C. Abeles vs. H.M. Warren; A.M. Washburn vs. S. Thompson; C.C. Pell vs. G. Burt.

1909--At 2, H.S. Waite vs. N.W. Niles; N. Pierce vs. H.L.R. Buffington; L. Barroll vs. J.W.C. Bowden; F. Washburn vs. S.C. Whipple; A.H. von Schrader vs. E.P. Pearson; R.H. Eggleston, Jr., vs. E.I. Marks; D.T. Kelley vs. M.T. Ackerland; H. Powel vs. I.M. Arrowsmith; H.L. Chalifoux vs. J.C. Jones, Jr.; A.S. Dabney, Jr., vs. M.W. Morrill.

1910--At 2, H.C. Emmet, Jr., vs. F.R. Kirkland; W.W. Bodine vs. W.K. Earle; G.S. West vs. G.C. Adams; G.B. Sumner vs. H.R. Leonard; W.F. Morgan vs. F.H. Hall; H.B. Richardson vs. W.F. Gibbs; J. Wheelwright vs. G.G. Browne; J.L. Stoddard vs. E.R. Chapin; E.G. Mears vs. E.A.H. Watson; E.S. Wolston vs. W.S. Leeds; E.D. Kelley vs. T.B. Townsend, Jr.; C. deRham vs. H.V. Morgan; R.N. Shaw vs. G.C. Gignoux; S.P. Hall vs. T.J. Newbold; G. Murphy vs. S.W. Arnheim; H. Fish, Jr., vs. W.S. Milius; H. Peters vs. G.P. Gardner, Jr.; J.D. McMahon vs. E. Brayton; C. Wendell vs. D.V. Leland; E.E. Bennett vs. H.S. Appleton; R.H. Smith vs. R.M. Lane; J.W. Horwitz vs. J.B. Shaw; W.F. Zimmerman vs. J.D. Foot, Jr.; R. MacVeagh vs. H.M. Suckley.

The following men will not play until tomorrow: A.M. Harlow '07, R.K. Fletcher '08, E.H. Robinson '08, O.W. Knauth '09, W.S. Simpkins '09, W.F. Scribner '10, W.H. Wheeler '10
