
Pennsylvania Won Camera Exhibit

In the intercollegiate photographic exhibition between Harvard, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania, which was held in the Assembly Room of the Union yesterday afternoon, first place was awarded to the University of Pennsylvania, and second place to Harvard.

The following prizes were awarded: first, W. Ordway '10, "Evening on the Charles"; second, M. T. Fleischner, Pennsylvania, "The Poplars"; third, G. Kemmerer, Pennsylvania, "Moonlight." Honorable mentions were awarded as follows. first, M. T. Fleischner, Pennsylvania, "The Harbor, Concarneau" second, F. F. Marshall '07, "Poetry"; third, M. T. Fleischner, Pennsylvania, "Fishermen of Douarnarnez"; fourth E. H. Riedel 1G., "Long Lake"; fifth, C. B. Roepper '10, 'Sunset, Venice"; sixth, P. M. Armstrong, Michigan, "Early Spring"; seventh, M. S. McN. Watts 2G.
