
Bequest Reverts to University

By the death of Mrs. Eliza Orne Ropes at Salem yesterday, public bequests to various institutions amounting to $1,500,000, made in trust by Mary Putnam Ropes, who died September 29, 1903, were released.

Of these the University will receive a bequest of Boston & Maine railroad common stock to endow the Nathaniel Ropes Professorship of Political Economy. If, after the endowment of the professorship, any surplus remains, it will go to the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. A second bequest from the same source provides for the establishment of the Nathaniel Ropes, Jr., Fund, the purpose of which is not stated.

Among the other beneficiaries are the Carlisle Indian School, Tuskegee Institute, and Dummer Academy, of which each receives $2500; and Berea College which receives $2000.
