
Track Work During the Past Week

A large number of men reported last week for the first week of track practice in the Stadium. Owing to the warm weather the track has been in fairly good condition since Tuesday and is getting harder every day. The track practice has been light, in order that the men may become accustomed to out-of-door work. The sprinters have as a rule taken short runs, and the distance men have run two or three laps. All the field event men are now practicing under the supervision of Mr. Quinn, and the shot-putters and hammer-throwers now work behind the Stadium near the baseball stands, so that they may not interfere with the other sports. The hurdles were put up Friday for the first time and the hurdlers were enabled to practice their stride.

Handicap Hammer Throw Today.

A handicap hammer-throw will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock behind the Stadium for all men who wish to enter. The object of this is to give the men a little practice under competition in preparation for the handicap games Saturday.
