
Lecture by Mr. Bryan on March 14

William Jennings Bryan, ex-candidate for president of the United States, will give an address, under the auspices of the Second Year Law class, in the Living Room of the Union on Thursday night, March 14, the subject to be announced later. The regular smoker will commence at 8 o'clock, and President Eliot and Samuel J. Elder, Yale '71, will speak.

Mr. Bryan will lecture at Tremont Temple at 8 o'clock on "The Value of an Ideal." Tickets may be obtained at Thurston's and at the box office at Tremont Temple.

Immediately after this he will take an automobile, arriving in the Union about 10 o'clock. On his arrival the Law class will take their places in the section reserved for them.

About 225 chairs will be placed in the front of the Living Room, reserved absolutely for Second Year Law men, and the Law School Faculty, to which admission will be by special tickets, issued to these men only. No chairs will be placed in the back of the room or in the balcony, so that the greatest possible number may be accommodated. Forty ushers will be appointed, one head usher and an assistant head usher, as well as 14 other ushers from the Second Year Law class; and one assistant head usher and five other ushers from each class in the College.
