

On Holmes Field Yesterday.--Teams to be Picked Today.--Plans for Carnival.

A hundred and forty-eight men ran in the trials for the dormitory relay teams, which were held yesterday on Holmes Field under the supervision of Coach Lathrop. Their names will be posted in the Gymnasium this morning in the order of their times. As a few more men are to take the trials today, it has not been definitely decided as to what men will compose the relay teams Saturday. From the list posted in the Gymnasium the captains of the dormitory teams will tonight pick the six best men on each team. It is possible that some of the teams will be obliged to combine owing to a scarcity of men. The entries close tonight at 6 o'clock.

In the trials yesterday L. J. Freedman made the fastest time for the 260 yards, 31 2-5s. E. K. Merrihew '10 and M. B. Van Brunt '08 covered the distance in 31 3-5s.

Several additions have been made to the program of events for the Carnival on Saturday. The complete list is as follows: A handicap cross-country run finishing at the Gymnasium; a handicap and novice shot-put; a handicap and novice high jump; a handicap and novice high hurdle race; a novice 25-yards dash, not open to H. A. A. men; a rope-climbing contest; a pole-climbing contest; a three-legged race; a potato race; a sack race; and the dormitory relay races. The preliminary round of the relay races and of the dash and hurdle events will be run off on Friday.

Cups will be awarded as first prizes in all events and second prizes will be given in those events in which the entry list is large. Cups will also be awarded to members of the winning dormitory team and the runner-up in the finals. A shield presented by the Track and Field Club will be given to the winning team to be kept in the Living Room of their dormitory.

After the meet, a tug-of-war contest between the classes will be held, and the following captains have been appointed: for 1907, H. Foster, Jr.; for 1908, J. W. Wendell; for 1909, F. H. Burr; for 1910, R. C. Brown. All men wishing to try for these teams must see their class captains. A strength test will not be required of the men participating in the event; but all other competitors in the Carnival, who have not been examined by Dr. Sargent since January 1, must take a strength test in the Gymnasium today or tomorrow between 2 and 4 o'clock.


Tickets for the Carnival are now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's at 25 cents. There are also a few reserved seats at 50 cents.
