
University Register on Sale Today

The new University register, which will be put on sale today at the University Book Store, Amee's, and the Cooperative, contains much valuable information concerning official and undergraduate organizations. The boards of the various departments of the University, a list of the class secretaries from 1834 to the present day, information concerning the college and graduate papers, and detailed lists of all undergraduate organizations are given. In addition to the University organizations, there are accounts of activities in which Harvard men are engaged, such as the Prospect Union, Social Service Committees and the Social Union. Exhaustive lists of the different teams and their records are also published.

The register contains about 370 pages, the last part being devoted to an accurate list of instructors and students of the University. The general make-up of the volume is the same as in previous years, but great care has been taken to make the lists accurate. Difficulty with the printers accounts for the lateness of its appearance.

The price of the register is 50 cents.
