
University Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Saturday, March 30.

Last day for handing in compositions for the Francis Boott Prize.

Last day for receiving applications for Divinity School Fellowships and Scholarships.

**LECTURE. "Some Facts the Public should know concerning the Feeding of Infants." Dr. Maynard Ladd. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.

Sunday, March 31.


**EVENING SERVICE. Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, D.D., of Boston. Appleton Chapel, 7.30 P. M.

**LECTURE. "Volcanoes, Active and Extinct." (Illuctrated by the Stereopticon.) Professor D. W. Johnson. Geological Lecture Room, Univ. Mus., 3.30 P. M.

**LECTURE. "Significance, in Infancy and Early Life, of Disturbances of the Stomach and Bowels. Dr. Charles Hunter Dunn. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M.

Monday, April 1.

Last day for receiving applications of candidates for Second-Year Honors.

Last day for receiving dissertations for the Bowdoin Prizes.

Last day for receiving theses of candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in 1907 in the Divisions of Ancient Languages, of Modern Languages, and of History and Political Science.

Last day for receiving applications for College Rooms for 1907-08.

SEMINARY OF AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS. "The Political Tenets of Reformed Presbyterianism." Rev. George W. Benn. Sever 9, 3.30 P. M.

SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "Bank Reserves in England, Canada, and the United States." Mr. F. S. Mead. University 23, 4.30 P. M.

*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Crystalline Rectifiers for Alternating Currents." Dr. G. W. Pierce. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25, 5 P. M.

PHILOSOPHICAL SEMINARY. "The Organization of a Philosophical Course of Study." Professor Royce. Emerson A, 7.30 P. M.

Tuesday, April 2.

FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, 4 P. M.

*GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE. "The Metamorphic Conglomerates of Fogland Point, R. I." Dr. George R. Mansfield. "Physiological Effects of Diminished Air Pressure: 'Hohenkrankheit.'" Professor Ward. Mineralogical Lecture Room, 8 P. M.

**LECTURE. "The Political Conditions in Russia." Rev. Dr. A. Francis, of St. Petersburg, Russia. New Lecture Hall, 8 P. M.

Wednesday, April 3.

*SEMITIC CONFERENCE. "Criticism on Psalm cxviii : 27." Professor Toy. Semitic Museum, Room 2, 4.30 P. M.

COMMENCEMENT PARTS. Professor Briggs will confer with Seniors about Commencement Parts. Sever 11, 3.30 P. M.

Thursday, April 4.

*CLASSICAL CONFERENCE. "Victorious and Codex I of Aristophanes." Dr. E. Cary. "Some Phases of Antithesis in Herodotus." Mr. C. B. Loughead. "A Lost Work of St. Jerome." Dr. A. S. Pease. Sever 18, 4.30 P. M.

**VESPER SERVICE. Rev. Professor George E. Horr, D.D. Appleton Chapel, 5 P. M. The front seats are reserved for students and for officers of the University and their families till 4.55 P. M.

*PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. "An Estimate of Pragmatism." Professor R. B. Perry. Emerson B, 8 P. M.

BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT. Miss Snelling, Soloist. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. Program: Berlioz, Overture, "Carnaval Romain"; Wagner, Aria, "Gerichte Gott," from "Rienzi";--Songs with piano--; Beethoven, Symphony No. 8.

Friday, April 5.

*ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. Short Papers. Messrs. Belding, Esterly, and Long. Zoological Laboratories, Fourth Floor, M. Z., Room 4, 4.45 P. M.

*NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. "The Bowdoin College Expedition to Labrador." (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Professor Austin Cary. Harvard Union, 8 P. M.

Saturday, April 6.

FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Meeting at Medical School, Boston, 8 P. M.

**LECTURE. "Some Phases of the Tuberculosis Problem." Dr. Arthur K. Stone. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.
