
Seismograph in University Museum

The visiting committee of the division of Geology has provided the department with the funds necessary to erect a seismograph in the University Museum. A Bash-Omori seismograph with two 100 kilogram conical pendulums, one swung in the meridian and the other east and west, will shortly be placed on a suitable foundation in the basement of the Geological section. This type of instrument records earth vibrations on smoked paper carried on revolving drums operated by clockwork. One of the same general type which has been set up in the State Museum at Albany, New York, for more than a year, on a clay foundation like that underlying the Harvard station, gave complete records of the San Francisco, Valparaiso, and the great Indian earthquakes. The Harvard station will pay particular attention to New England earthquakes and to the geological examination of the recent fault-lines along which it is suspected many historically recorded small shocks have arisen.
