
First Pasteur Medal Debate Trials

The first trials to choose the teams that will represent the Agora and the Forum in the Pasteur Medal debate on May 3, will be held simultaneously in Dane Hall this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Each club will hold independent trials, at which any of their members who wish to try for the teams will deliver 5-minute speeches on either side of the question for the debate: "Resolved, That the French government should substitute a general income tax for the direct taxes (contributions directes) now levied for national purposes." On the basis of these speeches, six men will be retained from each club for the second trial on next Wednesday.

Candidates for the Agora team should hand in their names to H. W. Hines, Grays 30, before 11.30 o'clock; and Forum candidates should leave their names with H. W. King, Foxcroft 6, before that hour. The orders of speaking will be determined by lot and will be posted in Dane Hall at 12 o'clock.

I. L. Sharfman '07 will coach the Agora team, and the Forum team will be coached by H. Hurwitz '08.
