

Outfielders Practiced on Freshman Diamond.--Pitchers Using Curves.

Several new features have been introduced into the practice of the University baseball squad during the past week. On Thursday and Friday the outfielders were sent outdoors and had practice in catching flies on the Freshman diamond. The pitchers, who had heretofore used nothing but straight balls, when pitching for the batting practice, began to mix in curves. As a result the pitching was unsteady the first of the week, but during the last two days the control was noticeably better.

The infielding practice this week has been taken up entirely with pivot plays and sliding. In the pivot plays the work has been very encouraging and the throwing has improved. As was expected the batting of all the men fell off considerably. This slump, however, was due entirely to the use of the curves.

Next week the entire squad will practice outdoors on the Freshman diamond and will report as usual at 3 o'clock, the battery candidates at 2.45 o'clock, or as soon after as possible.

F. H. Burr '09, last year's first baseman, has decided to give up baseball and devote his entire time to rowing.

The University squad is al follows: F. R. Beebe '09, S. C. Boyer '10, D. C. Brennan 07, T. Briggs '09, R. C. Brown '10, S. D. Bush '09, W. Carlisle '08, K. S. Cate '09, S. W. Cooper '09, E. P. Currier '09, E. T. Dana '09, E. N. Davis '09, W. M. Evarts '09, J. F. Frye '09, H. E. Garceau '08, A. G. Grant '07, G. F. Greene '07, F. A. Harding '09, N. K. Hartford '09, C. W. Harvey '09, I. B. Hitchings '07, S. T. Hicks '10, L. Howe 07, R. Kelly '09, F. W. Kemble '08, C. L. Lanigan '10, C. R. Leonard '08, C. E. Lincoln '08, H. McCall '09, J. M. Murphy '07, J. A. Paine '09, C. H. Palmer '09, J. D. Pounds '08, L. W. Pritchett '08, J. W. Simons '09, D. O. Slater '08, T. L. Smith '08, G. Ware '08, G. F. Waters '08, P. Withington '09.
