Regular spring work for candidates for the University and Freshman track teams will begin today on Soldiers Field. Although the Stadium track is not yet dry enough for regular work, a cinder path has been prepared under the Stadium, which the men will use for the next few days. The squad for quarter-miles and half-miles will report at 3.45 o'clock at the Locker Building to M. B. Van Brunt '08, who has been appointed squad captain. The milers and the two-milers will report to Captain Minot at 4.30 o'clock. All other men, except the field candidates, may report at any time they wish. Field candidates will continue to report at the Gymnasium until further notice. Coach Quinn will be at the Gymnasium from 10.30 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Pole-vaulters and shot-putters should report at the morning hours, the hammer-throwers between 3 and 4, and the high-jumpers between 4 and 5 o'clock.
H. Watson '10 has been appointed temporary captain of the Freshman team.
Schedule of Spring Meets.
The annual spring handicap games, open to all members of the University, will be held on Saturday, April 6. In this meet the cup offered by Mr. Gannett Wells '86 for the winner of the quarter-mile will be competed for. The class games will be held on Friday, April 12. The class winning the most points will be awarded the Frank G. Wells cup.
There will be no track work during the Easter vacation this year, but the men will begin training again immediately after the vacation in preparation for the dual meet with Dartmouth on May 4. On May 11 the Interscholastic meet will be held; on May 18, the dual meet with Yale, at New Haven; on May 25, the dual meet between the Harvard and Yale freshmen, at Cambridge; on May 31 and June 1, the Intercollegiate meet, at Cambridge.
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Final Gymnastic Meeting Tomorrow