[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The Crimson is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
In view of the rejection of many applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories for next year, a word of protest seems necessary. It appears that many applicants did not have bonds filed at the Bursar's Office, which fact disqualified their applications. Furthermore, it appears that this requirement was not mentioned on the blank forms or clearly stated in the University Catalogue.
One Junior coming from an outside dormitory and having only a deposit went to the Bursar's Office and specifically asked what the requirements for application were. Nothing was said about a bond. This case is but one of many. Of course there can be no redistribution of rooms this year, but the classes to follow should be clearly notified of such a requirement. JUNIOR.
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