
A Missionary Thank-Offering

The St. Paul's Society has undertaken to raise a thank-offering to be added to an offering now being raised among men of every diocese and parish in the country, and to be handed over in a lump sum to the Board of Missions at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Episcopal Church in America next October. The Society has sent out letters to churchmen in the University, stating that the thank-offering is to be devoted to extending the work of the Church at home and abroad, and to increasing its missionary force in churches, schools and hospitals. It affords an opportunity for young churchmen to stimulate the life, activity, and growth of the Church.

The committee appointed to spread the Men's Missionary Thank-Offering in the University is composed of S. E. Morison '08, chairman, H. B. Barton '09, R. Bradley '09, W. S. Clarke 1G., E. S. Hale '09, P. Ketchum 2L., L. K. Lunk '09, E. G. Maclay '08, and E. K. Thurlow '08.
