

Accepted at Last Overseers' Meeting.--Designation of Various Uses.

At the Overseers' meeting on Wednesday the Treasurer presented the following communication specifying the terms governing the Shaler Memorial Fund, the receipt of a part of which was reported at the meeting of January 14, 1907:

"More than 760 alumni of Harvard University unite in giving to the President and Fellows of Harvard College the sum of thirty thousand five hundred dollars ($30,500.00) to establish a Shaler Memorial Fund in commemoration of the long services of Professor Nathaniel South-gate Shaler and of the great affection in which he was held by his many students and friends.

"The subscribers to this fund have left the designation of its use to the undersigned committee; and the committee, after consideration of various projects, concludes that the memorial object of the fund will be best attained--first, by setting aside a sum with which the Corporation shall procure a memorial tablet to be put in the Geological section of the University Museum, or some other suitable place as may be designated by the Corporation; and second, by using the income of the balance of the fund for the benefit of the Division of Geology, in support of original research and in the publication of the results of research, under the following conditions:

"The researches here contemplated are to be undertaken by persons nominated by the Committee of the Division of Geology and appointed by the Corporation, whether officers or students of Harvard University or not. The subject and the locality or field of research are to be approved by the Division Committee, preference being given to studies of an advanced and original character. The sums of money allotted from the income for research are to be determined by the Division Committee, with the approval of the Corporation. The money appropriated for such work from the income of the fund shall be in addition to the salary that would be otherwise paid to the person or persons undertaking it; and any work or journey thus supported in whole or in part shall be carried on under the name 'Shaler Memorial Research' or 'Shaler Memorial Expedition.'

"The publications here contemplated are to include the results of original research carried on with the income of the fund, or independently of such aid; but the results must in all cases receive the approval of the Division Committee as to subject and presentation--though not necessarily as to the conclusions stated--before they are accepted for publication.


"All publications thus approved, whether appearing in independent volumes or in some established journal, shall bear the general title, 'Shaler Memorial Series.' The allotment of money for publication shall be determined in the same way as for research.

"Beneficiaries under the fund, either as to research or publication, may be invited by the Division Committee to give the or more public lectures in Cambridge on the results of their studies, under the general title 'Shaler Memorial Lectures,' but no additional payment is to be made for these lectures.

"The income of the fund may be allowed to accumulate in case an investigation, expedition, or publication of considerable magnitude is contemplated by the Division Committee; but it is not desired that such accumulation shall continue beyond a reasonable period of time.

"In addition to any future subscriptions that may be added to the fund, such part of the income as shall constitute one per cent. of the principal may be annually added to the principal; but action in this regard is left to the discretion of the Corporation.

"It is wished that the fund shall be administered in accordance with the conditions indicated above, so long as the objects there stated shall be regarded as desirable by the Committee of the Division of Geology; but if the time should come when such objects are no longer held by them to be desirable, the income may be applied to such other objects as the Corporation may determine; providing only that it shall be administered as a memorial of Nathaniel Southgate Shaler."  ROBERT WINSOR,  W. M. DAVIS,  EDWARD W. ATKINSON.

Whereupon it was

Voted, That the Shaler Memorial Fund be gratefully accepted upon the terms and for the uses stated in the foregoing communication, and that the President and Fellows hereby record their satisfaction in the possession of such an enduring and fruitful memorial of Professor Shaler
