
Seventh Hyde Lecture at 4.30 Today

M. d'Avenel will deliver his seventh lecture in the Hyde series, this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in Sanders Theatre, on "Les riches du passe et du present." The lecture will be open to the public after 4.25 o'clock.

The last lecture of the series will be given Friday at 4.30 o'clock, on "De quoi se composaient les fortunes des riches et des bourgeois d'autrefois."

Tea to M. d'Avenel by Cercle Francais.

This afternoon after the Hyde lecture, the Cercle Francais will give a tea in its rooms, Grays 17, to M. le vicomte Georges d'Avenel. All members of the University in the departments of French and Economics, and all members of the Cercle are invited to be present.
