
Minor and Class Training Tables at Memorial.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As it seems to be generally felt that there should be a reduction in the expense of our training tables, and that this valuable institution should be available for the development of the minor and class sports, I wish to second the suggestion that Memorial Hall is an easy solution to this double problem.

By special arrangement a training diet can be provided, in conformity to the demands of the trainer, and inasmuch as it will be provided at cost, a table can be set for $6 or less, which will be as good as that which can be secured from a caterer in Cambridge for $9 or $10.

A special assignment of a section of tables for these training tables will obviate any difficulties of service, and will have the added advantage of bringing together those men who are actively interested in the athletic side of the University life. It is possible to provide here, at an expense little if any above the men's usual expenditure for board, a training table satisfactory in every way. Thus an opportunity may be given every athletic team in the University to secure the proper sustenance, as well as the social value of the training table, wholly free from any charge of extravagance, and at a price within the reach of all, so that the men will require little if any financial aid from the Athletic Association.

I do not contend that it would be necessarily advisable for the University teams concerned in the major sports, to leave the Union. As a previous writer has well said, "the Union has proved in all ways satisfactory as the home of the training table." But for the larger needs of the minor and class team tables which the Union cannot accommodate, Memorial Hall offers an opportunity for a satisfactory training table, at cost. C. C. COLBY 2L.
