The Freshman baseball candidates have been re-assigned into the following two squads:
Squad A--Allen, Aronson, Atkins, Blumer, Brunson, Crocker, Davis, Ernst, Estabrook, Ferguson, Foster, Galatti, Goss, Hall, Haydock, Hickey, Kenney, Kurtz, Lakin, Mack, Madeira, Marshall, Mason, Munroe, Newton, Olney, Rice, Ross, Shaw, Turner, Ware, Willy, J. Wheelwright, Belmont.
Squad B--Beaman, Bennett, Browne, Bryant, Burlingham, Burrage, Carey, Chapin, Coburn, Curtis, Day, Delano, Dunham, Earle, Early, Frye, Gardner, Harding, Hector, Linehan, MacVeagh, Murphy, Meyers, Page, Palmer, Pond, R. Smith, R. P. Smith, Ruch, Sweeney, Teachout, Townsend, B. Wheelwright, White.
Squad A will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays; Squad B on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and on Fridays the whole squad will practice together, thus doing away with the Saturday practice. The whole squad should report dressed to play at 4.30 today.
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