The schedule of the University baseball team was given out last night. The most important change is that of playing two games with Cornell, one at Cambridge and one at Ithaca. This will not involve an additional trip, since the game with Pennsylvania at Philadelphia is, of course, omitted. On the Southern trip the team will stay at Annapolis instead of Richmond, and will play two games with the Naval Academy. The Saturday before returning to Cambridge the team will play the United States Military Academy at West Point. Wesleyan and Columbia have been added since last year, while Colby and Trinity are not included in this year's schedule.
In the following schedule all games will be played at Cambridge unless otherwise specified:
April 6--University of Vermont.
April 10--Wesleyan.
April 13--Annapolis at Annapolis.
April 18--Annapolis at Annapolis.
April 20--West Point at West Point.
April 24--Bates.
April 27--Dartmouth.
April 29--University of Maine.
May 1--Amherst.
May 4--Holy Cross at Worcester.
May 8--Williams.
May 11--Cornell at Ithaca.
May 15--Exeter at Exeter.
May 18--Princeton.
May 22--Andover at Andover.
May 25--Princeton at Princeton.
May 29--Brown at Providence.
June 1--Cornell.
June 5--Brown.
June 8--Columbia.
June 12--Bowdoin.
June 15--Holy Cross.
June 20--Yale.
June 25--Yale at New Haven.
June 29--Yale at New York (in case of a tie.)
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