

On March 22 at Princeton.--Dates for Trials.--E. M. Rabenold to Coach.

At a meeting of the University Debating Council yesterday afternoon, it was voted to accept the proposal of Princeton to hold the annual Harvard-Princeton debate at Princeton on March 22, the same evening on which Princeton will debate against Yale at New Haven. Both debates will be upon the same subject, which will be submitted by Yale to Princeton and by her to Harvard. The University team, when chosen, will have the choice of sides for its debate.

The subject for the debate will be announced in Saturday's CRIMSON, and the trials for the team will be held on Wednesday, February 13; Friday, February 15; and Tuesday, February 19. The first trial will be open to all students in the University, and will consist of 5-minute speeches on either side of the question for the debate. On the basis of these speeches, from twelve to sixteen men will be retained for the second trial, at which each man will deliver a 10-minute speech. Six men will then be retained for the third trial debate, after which they will be divided into the first and second teams.

E. M. Rabenold 3L., who coached the team that defeated Yale in December, will again coach the University team. In his senior year in College, he was a member of the last team that defeated Princeton in 1904, when he also represented the University against Yale.
