Le vicomte G. d'Avenel, the noted French historian, will deliver the first of the Hyde lectures this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in Sanders Theatre, on "Les decouvertes dues a la nouvelle histoire economique et privee."
M. d'Avenel began his career as secretary of the Departmental and Communal Administration in the Ministry of the Interior, but soon left public life to devote his attention to research work in economics. He is well known as the historian of the "Economic Life and Material Civilization of France from 1200 to the Present Day," in which he made elaborate tables showing the cost price of everything in the period treated. Some of these tables have been published in four large volumes by the French Ministry of Public Instruction, and have been twice awarded the Prix Rossi by the Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques M. d'Avenel's other famous works are: "Richelieu et la Monarchie Absolue," given the Grand Prix Gobert by the French Academy; "Le Mecanisme de la Vie Moderne," and "Les Francais de Mon Temps."
M. d'Avenel in his lectures will deal with the economic history of France from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. The following is a list of the remaining lectures:
Friday, March 1--"Les paysans et Pagriculture depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'a nos jours." 8 P. M.
Monday, March 4--"Le Socialisme d'hier et la genese de la propriete individuelle recente." 4.30 P. M.
Wednesday, March 6--"L'ouvier, le manoeuvre et le domestique anciens et actuels; leurs salaries." 8 P. M.
Friday, March 8--"De quoi se composaient les fortunes des riches et des bourgeois d'autrefois." 4.30 P. M.
Monday, March 11--"Le budget des depenses de l'ouvrier et du paysan, depuis sept cents ans." 8 P. M.
Wednesday, March 13--"L'influence de l'Etat et celle des mouvements de la population sur le prix du travail." 4.30 P. M.
Friday, March 15--"Les Riches du passe et du present." 8 P. M.
Tickets for the course may be obtained by applying by mail to G. L. Foote, Beck 33. No person may apply for more than four seats.
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