
Expenses for Board at Memorial Hall

The price of general board at Memorial Hall during the months of December and January was $3.03.

This slight increase of about 15 cents in price over the preceding months is due mainly to the large number of men who withdrew their membership during the Christmas holidays and during mid-years.

With the return of these members the price will probably fall again to its previous figure. An analysis of this charge of $3.03 gives the following result:   Total for Months.  Per Week. Provisions charged to General Board  $8,511.91  $0.96 Service  9360.19  1.05 Coal  1493.46  .17 Water  69.15  .01 Gas and Electricity  140.49  .02 Crockery Assessment  621.25  .07 Interest  2341.16  .26 Reduction of Debt and Betterment Account  1912.35  .22 Summer Repairs  350.00  .04 Repairs  479.52  .05 Christmas Recess Allowance  632.00  .07 Miscellaneous  1011.48  .11   $26,922.96  $3.03
