
Team Chosen for Princeton Debate

At the final University debating trials in Dane Hall last night, E. R. Lewis '08, B. M. Nussbaum '08, and L. L. Sharfman '07 were chosen for the University team. J. S. Davis '08, D. Rosenblum '08, and E. B. Stern '07, the other speakers, were retained for the second team, from which the alternate will be chosen. The Coolidge Prize of $100, for the best work in the series of three trials, was awarded to E. R. Lewis '08. Professor G. P. Baker and Mr. S. Curtis of the English department, judged the speaking.

The team that was chosen last night will represent the University in the annual debate with Princeton on March 22 at Princeton. It will argue from choice the negative of the question submitted by Princeton: "Resolved, That the present distribution of power between the federal and state governments is not adapted to modern conditions, and calls for re-adjustment in the direction of further centralization."

The preparation for the debate will begin immediately under the direction of Coach E. M. Rabenold 3L.
