
W. H. Mallock in Emerson Hall

The first of a series of lectures on "Socialism and the Allied Social and Economic Questions" will be given by Mr. W. H. Mallock A.M., at 8 o'clock this evening in the lecture room on the first floor of Emerson Hall. These lectures open to the public are given through the courtesy of the National Civic Federation.

Mr. Mallock is a graduate of Balliol College, Oxford, and in addition to writing many books on socialistic and philosophical subjects, has travelled widely. His purpose in writing upon these subjects has been to expose the fallacies of radicalism and socialism. Mr. mallock's philosophical works have attempted to show that science taken by itself can supply man with no basis for religion. Among some of the books which Mr. Mallock has written are: "Social Equality," "Property and Progress," "Classes and Masses," and "The Reconstruction of Belief."

The second lecture by Mr. Mallock will be delivered tomorrow evening in Emerson Hall, the remaining three on February 25, 26 and 28.
