Class Fund.
Subscriptions to the class fund up to the present time are considerably behind the average both in number and amount. All Seniors who are able to contribute to the fund are urged to do so as soon as possible. R. B. GREGG, Treasurer.
Class Lives.
Up to the present time few Seniors have sent in their "Class Lives." Experience has proven that the longer men delay filling these out and sending them to the Secretary, the greater is the chance that they neglect them altogether, and as a result the completeness of the class records is impaired. All men wishing to be permanently identified with the Class of 1907 should send in their "Class Lives" as soon as possible. Men who have not received blanks, or who have lost them, may obtain others by sending a postal card to the Secretary, Box D, Cambridge. The fact that a man expects to have further items to add to his record should not cause delay in his sending it in, as additions may be made at any time by notifying the Secretary. J. M. MORSE, Secretary.
Senior Album Photographs.
Since photographs are to be sent to the engraver at once, it is necessary that all men who have had sittings indicate their choice of proofs. Otherwise the committee will be obliged to select proofs. Seniors are reminded that orders for the Album must be placed at the time of sitting, and that a deposit of two dollars is required. The Album will contain new features, details of which will be announced later. 1907 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
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