

Mr. Wright to Speak on Grizzly Bear.--Interesting Experiences and Pictures.

Mr. W. H. Wright will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Hunting Grizzlies with a Camera" in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock.

Mr. Wright has had over twenty-five years' experience in hunting game in many different sections of the West, from Mexico to British Columbia. The grizzly bear has been his special study, to such an extent that he is very well acquainted with his habits and peculiarities.

Besides relating many interesting and exciting experiences with this animal, he will show on the screen many remarkable snap-shots of bears, when unconscious of his presence, and pictures taken at moments of great danger. There will be shown one picture of a grizzly taken by the animal himself.

The lecture will be open only to members of the Union, who must show membership tickets at the door.
