

University Team Won Hockey in New York.--Harvard Second in League.

In its last game of the season the University hockey team defeated Yale in the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, last Saturday evening by a score of 3 goals to 2. The match throughout was marked by rough play.

For the first five minutes the puck was rapidly carried up and down the rink, but neither team was able seriously to threaten its opponents' goal. Finally Yale rushed the puck well into Harvard's territory and on a quick pass from Knox, Stanley scored a goal. Then followed another five minutes of the usual rushing up and down the rink before Driscoll rushed the puck into Harvard territory, and after a lively scrimmage in front of the goal-posts made the second score. After two minutes more of hard play, Newhall carried the puck down the side of the rink and on a neat shot made Harvard's first goal. A few more scrimmages followed, and the half ended with the score 2 to 1 in favor of Yale.

From the beginning of the second half Harvard played with increased determination. In less than a minute the University forwards rushed the puck to the Yale goal, and in the scrimmage that followed Rumsey scored. Then, in less than half a minute, Leonard aided by good team play shot Harvard's third goal. The rest of the half was very closely contested. The defense of both teams played well, however, and prevented any further scoring.

The summary: HARVARD.  YALE. Pell, l.e.  r.e., Driscoll Townsend, Leonard, l.e.  r.c., Stanley Rumsey, r.c.  l.c., Knox Newhall, r.c.  l.e., Dilworth Foster, Briggs, c.p.  c.p., Williams Sampson, p.  p., Biglow Washburn, g.  g., Lang

Score--Harvard, 3; Yale, 2. Goals--Stanley, Driscoll, Newhall, Rumsey, Leonard. Referees--Dr. W. G. McKenzie and W. Russell, both of the Hockey Club of New York. Timekeeper--B. S. Litchfield '03. Time--20-minute halves.
