
Recent Corporation Appointments

At the last meeting of the Corporation C. E. Faxon '67 was appointed assistant director of the Arnold Arboretum from March 1. Mr. Faxon received the honorary degree of A.M. from the University in 1897. He was instructor in Botany from 1879 to 1884, and assistant at the Arboretum from 1882. Mr. Faxon is now second only to Dr. C. S. Sargent, who is director of the Arboretum.

A. S. Jenney was appointed instructor in Architecture for the remainder of the year, and the following assistants: C. Floyd M.D. '03 in Bacteriology; J. C. Hubbard M.D. '92 in Surgery; H. P. Mosher M.D. '92 in Otology; D. H. Walker M.D. '98 in Otology.
