For the benefit of men who desire to take part this winter in some form of organized sport, the following summary of the varied opportunities for athletic activity is given:
Regular winter track work will begin this year immediately after the Christmas vacation. The men who report for work will be divided into several squads which will report at different times during the day thus making it possible for every man to work at his own convenience. Squad captains have been appointed in the field events to help superintend the work of their particular squads. A board track will soon be built on Holmes Field behind the new Law School building, where the middle and long distance work will be carried on under the supervision of Coach Lathrop, who will also instruct the sprinters in the Gymnasium. Coach Quinn will have charge of the field event men.
Besides the routine of dally practice, there will be ample opportunity for competitive work, such as the Park Square meet which took place on Wednesday, the class relay races, and one or two intercollegiate relay races in which the University teams will compete. There will probably be a relay race with the Yale freshmen. It is hoped that as many men as possible will enter in the B. A. A. meet on February 1, in order to gain experience.
Regular practice for the University and Freshman hockey squads began in the handball courts back of the Gymnasium last Monday. This preliminary practice consisted in shooting the puck for the forwards, defense work for the goal tenders, and short runs for all the candidates. The first outdoor practice was held on Artificial Pond last Thursday. On Monday a rink will be completed in the Stadium, and, as soon as the ice is in good condition, all practice will be held there. Class teams will be formed immediately after the Christmas recess, if the weather permits, and shortly afterwards the usual interclass series will be played. There will also be a scrub series open to men who do not make their class teams. Cups will probably be given in both tournaments. Coaches will be appointed soon for both the University and Freshman squads.
Candidates for the University basketball team will be called out on Monday, December 16. The candidates for the class teams were called out last Monday, and the Gymnasium is now open every night except Saturday until 10 o'clock for basketball practice. The games of the interclass series will be held on December 11, 12, and 14. In addition to the numerals, cups will be awarded to the members of the winning team. The University team and substitutes will be picked immediately after the Christmas recess. In the second half-year, a scrub series will be held for men who do not make the University or Freshman squads, and cups will be awarded to winners of this series.
A meeting was held on November 18 to organize the fencing squad for this year. Since then, the men have been practicing three times a week under the direction of M. Pianelli, in preparation for the interclass and novice tournaments to be held this month. A beginners' class has been formed under the direction of M. Pianelli. The University team, which will compete in the intercollegiate tournament in March, will be chosen after the novice and interclass contests. As yet no schedule has been made public, but the management hopes to arrange dual meets with Yale, Cornell, West Point, Annapolis, Princeton, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Candidates for the gymnastic team were called out Monday. Regular practice will continue in the Gymnasium on Tuesday evenings, and daily at 5 o'clock, except on Wednesdays; and, as soon as possible, the men will be divided into squads, according to the particular kind of work which they are doing. The practice will be under the direction of men of previous experience, and C. L. Shrader, the gymnastic instructor. The only meets for which definite arrangements have been made are the intercollegiate championships to be held at the University of Pennsylvania about March 22, and the dual exhibition meet to be held here with Columbia on February 29. Exhibition meets will probably be held with Andover on January 11, with St. Mark's on January 15, with Amherst on March 7; and there will be two other meets with either Yale, Dartmouth, or Exeter, as well as meets with several other local schools.
A novice meet for men who have not won their gymnastic insignia will probably be held before mid-years. Cups will probably be given at this meet for the best work on the various pieces of apparatus, and a cup will be given for the best all-round work. For the benefit of men not interested in competitive gymnastics, the Gymnasium offers apparatus of all kinds and a competent instructor to take charge of the work. A regular class meets every afternoon at 5 o'clock for general gymnastics.
Gymnastics have been taken up carefully and thoroughly by all the leading universities and colleges, Harvard excepted. The management is therefore trying to introduce them here.
Water Sports.
The branches of water sports open to members of the University this year are swimming, water polo, and diving. Candidates for the University teams will be called out sometime before Christmas. A tank has not yet been decided upon, but one of the larger tanks will be secured if possible. No regular coach has been chosen, but it is probable that some one of last year's team will be appointed. As soon as the work is under way, practice will be held regularly three times a week. About the middle of January trials will be held for the class relay teams which will compete in the class swimming races to follow soon afterwards. There will be six men on each relay team, and cups will be given to the members of the winning team. On the same date there will be a diving exhibition, and a water polo game between the first and second teams. The University squad will be chosen from the men who show the most promise in this meet. A practice meet with Brown and four dual meets with members of the Intercollegiate Swimming Association have been scheduled for the University team during February and March.
Indoor baseball practice for the University and Freshman squads will probably begin in the Cage immediately after the mid-year period. Coach Pieper will have complete control of the University squad, but no coach has yet been appointed for the Freshmen.
Both University and dormitory rowing have been discontinued for this fall. Candidates for the University and Freshman crews will be called out after the mid-year period, and work on the machines and in the tank will be kept up until the river is open. Coach Wray will have complete charge of the University crew squad, and, assisted by Coaches Stephenson and Brown, will supervise the work of the Freshman squad
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