
Public Lecture on "The Book Beautiful"

Mr. T. J. Cobden-Sanderson will deliver the first of a series of four public lectures on the binding, decoration and printing of books, this evening at 8 o'clock, in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Art Museum. The general title of the lectures is "The Book Beautiful." The topic of tonight's lecture, which will be of a general nature, is "The Book Beautiful; what it is, and how it has been built up and decorated; also the libraries of the world which have been built for its preservation and use."

The remaining three lectures will take place in the Lecture Room of Robinson Hall, on Friday, December 6, and on Monday and Wednesday, December 9 and 11. They will be more technical in character, and will relate respectively to the "Forwarding and Binding of the Book Beautiful," "Tooling and Decoration," and "Printing," together with a few suggestions on the manufacture and use of paper, vellum, etc.

The lecturer is a grandson of Richard Cobden, the famous English free-trader, and is probably the most widely known binder and printer of books in the United Kingdom. He is connected with the Doves-Bindery of London.
