

Plans Outlined.--List of Candidates and Hours of Practice

At a very successful basketball meeting held in the Union last night, P. B. Francis '08, manager of the University team, reviewed the past history of basketball and outlined in detail the plans for the coming season. I. S. Broun '08, captain, spoke about the very encouraging prospects of this year's team and described the manner in which the University squad will be chosen. E. L. Burnham '07, who is coach of the University team this year, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee, emphasized the necessity of team play and hard training in producing a winning team. W. Randall, of the Intercollegiate Rules Committee, and W. G. Grebenstein, Dartmouth '07, who will referee all championship games this year, were unable to be present, but are expected early this week.

All candidates, except those who played on last year's team, will report for practice today with their class squads at the following hours: 4 to 5, Sophomores; 6 to 6.45, Juniors; 6.45 to 7.30, Seniors; 7.30 to 9, Freshmen. The interclass games will be held on Wednesday, December 11, Thursday, December 12, and Saturday, December 14. Cups and class basketball numerals will be awarded to the winning team, and the University squad will be picked from the best material in the three upperclass teams. After the Christmas recess regular work will begin for both the University and Freshman squads.

The material for the University team is abundant, but more men are still needed. All candidates should report for the present with their class teams. Any men interested, who were unable to attend the meeting last night, are urged to come out tonight at the hours arranged for their class.

The following men reported as candidates for the University team:

Guards--C. Almy, Jr., '08, J. L. Binda '10, D. A. Broderick '10, H. C. Broun '10, L. D. Cox '08, C. Deane '09, J. J. Desmond '09, C. H. Ernst '10, O. W. Hartwell '08, J. B. Herold '09, E. W. Hickey '10, L. W. Hickey '10, W. Lippmann '10, J. B. Marsh '08, J. H. Rand '08, R. V. White '09, D. J. Witmer '10.


Centres--G. G. Browne '10, D. I. Curtin '10, W. H. Dial '09, W. H. King '08, H. P. Leonard '10.

Forwards--H. Blair '08, W. R. Butler '09, W. C. Carlyle '08, C. Dunham '10, H. P. Hoffstot '10, J. Keefe '08, G. R. Keith '09, A. S. Macdonald '10, K. A. Mossman '08, E. V. B. Parke '08, W. F. Scribner '10, J. A. Sheehan '10, S. S. Sheip '09, B. M. Vance '08, C. W. Waldron '09, A. Wyman '08.

The following men handed in their names for the Freshman team:

Guards--F. P. Abbott, A. D. Barker, O. C. Dow, J. W. Finkel, D. Greene, T. H. Ulmann, C. R. Union, H. T. Webber, G. Williams.

Centres--W. L. Clark, S. S. Kent, H. R. Kunhardt, D. Palmer.

Forwards--S. C. Andrews, H. L. Auten, R. I. Case, N. F. Coburn, W. M. Crysler, L. H. Cushing, G. F. Durrell, H. C. Jamerson, E. P. Miller, P. S. Twitchell, J. M. Sanderson, F. C. Wellman, N. Yamins.
